Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My New French Companion

Dear family and friends,

This week was wonderful! Little miracles throughout the whole week. For example, we made it to a tea appointment exactly on time (if we aren't on time President Pilkington takes our tea appointments away), and we found a few more people to teach! :)

Sister Arrive is my new companion. She is from France. She is 23. She is nearing the end of her mission in 5 weeks. She likes to read and watch movies. Sister Arrive is the only member in her family to join the church. She has been a member for only 3 years and she is a great missionary! From these past 4'ish days I have learned SO much from her. She has inspired me to become a more obedient and diligent missionary. Sister Arrive talks to pretty much everyone she sees. She has helped me become more diligent in finding. With previous companions we knocked more but with Sister Arrive we actually do more street contacting. I used to feel uncomfortable with street contacting and bus contacting but now I have become more comfortable with talking to people.

In fact, on Thursday we rode the bus to a nearby village by Keighley named Cullingworth. I walked down the bus trying to decide who to sit by and everyone had bags on the seats next to them. I ended up
not sitting by anyone. I felt very disappointed. A young girl sat down behind me and so I decided to be bold and speak to her. I complimented on her jacket and asked where she got it. Conversion flew from there. Her name is Georga and she is 17. She has desire in wanting to know if there is a God and what the purpose of life is. I told her why I decided to serve a mission and made an appointment to see her on Sunday, 18 February.

Yesterday, we were going up to her house and her step-dad was in the driveway. We asked if Georga was home and he said she wasn't. From there he invited us to go inside and we started talking to him. He seems open to Georga talking to us. We set an appointment with her for tonight and I am excited to teach her! I love serving a mission. The small miracles throughout the weeks help me to continue pushing forward! I love you all very much! Have a fantastic week!!

Sister Garrett

(Thought I better do this again)

English word of the week:
Rubbish (Rub.ish)
1. English word for trash or garbage.

ex: All your rubbish goes in the rubbish bin. Rubbish does not belong on the ground.

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