Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sister Garrett's First Week

Hello friends and family,

Well, one week is down and who knows much more to go. I feel like I've been here my whole life, but it's only been a week. That really was the longest week of my life!! England is so green and amazing! Although, I get cold so easy. It really really bites.

The major part of my stay here has been at the MTC so sometimes I forget that I'm here in England. On my first day here (last Thursday) I got two companions; Sister Gilbert and Sister Sibsi. I get along with them very well! Sister Gilbert is from Idaho and Sister Sibsi is from South Africa. All three of us were called as Sister Training Leaders. Crazy huh?

Just to summarize this last week... The whole time I've been in a classroom. It feels like college all over again. I wake up, get ready, eat, study, write thoughts, listen (to your teacher), study, eat, listen, study, write thoughts, listen, practice, teach, write thoughts, eat, listen, listen, listen, write thoughts, plan, sleep, repeat. (The order varies.)

Yup. That's my life right now. Very exciting! Catching up on sleeping is IMPOSSIBLE though! It's not cool.

Yesterday and today, we got out of the building. Which was amazing!! The buildings in England are so small, the houses are tiny brick homes, cars are little, roads are only two lanes wide, roundabouts are everywhere, and everything is green, green, green. Gosh I love  it! Except the weather. I need to get a HUGE coat.

I really don't have much more then that. You guys are all amazing friends and family. Love you all! I am very blessed.

Until next week,
Sister Garrett

P.S. The MTC food is good here. Lots of meat , potatoes, gravy, and veggies. Yes, it's a little bland BUT guess what? They have a milk machine! :) Yes. You read that right. They knew I was coming! A milk machine. A white machine that you can push a cup to it and magic... you have milk! My companions think I'm crazy that I drink so much milk but hey it's better then soda. OK, talk to you later. Cheerio.

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